My One Reason to Write

I feel alive when I write. There is a mix of thoughts and feelings in me as I write – I feel creative, I enjoy the creation, I feel productive, I feel happy, I feel excited, I feel mindful. All those are great, but it is the feeling of being alive, of being excited, that makes me love writing so much. My heart beats fast and my fingers fly, and I get annoyed at every mistake I make because I ‘m not in the business of fixing when I write. I’m in the business of creating from my heart, and it’s the most important thing in the world to me. I’m so blessed that I found something that makes me feel this way. There is almost nothing else that makes me this excited.

I can sit for hours on my own and let my brain do what it needs to do. Writing is ultimately thinking with your fingers, as Asimov said. It’s thinking in a way that’s (quite ironically) hard to put into words. It’s the feeling of flow, the feeling that you’ve decided to stop getting in your way and let your soul sing. I wish everyone would write, even if it was one sentence. One sentence, a single thought of original creation, is more than worth its weight in gold. Gold only makes the heart or mind happy – writing makes the soul happy.

I hope to write millions of words in my life, and then some more. I hope to write fiction and non-fiction, poetry and prose, novels and personal essays. I just don’t want to stop writing – that is the scariest thought in the world to me. I hope I never quit, because I don’t know what my life would be without writing. I depend on it, I pray to it, I worship it – writing is my higher power. I hope it will remain my higher power forever. There is of course one power higher than writing, and that is love, but isn’t writing just loving all of existence?


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